Thursday, April 29, 2010

Favorite Character

I think that my favorite character in any of the plays we have read would have to be Walter. He tried so hard to fight to get out of the struggle that his family was in. The only problem with him was that he did not know how to deal with the struggle and the sudden income of money. He thought that the money made him powerful, which made him think that he can do anything with his mothers money. After the climax of the play he falls into a depression which he comes out of by trying to make back the money. His family does not support the decision he made and they talk him out of it.

Favorite Play.

I think that my favorite play that we have read this semester would have to be A Raisin in the Sun. The way that Lorriane Hansberry put the play together was amazing. She did such a good job of creating tension and such a dramatic sequences through out the play. The multiple climaxes through out the play really made me get into it and be excited for what was going to happen next. I would recomend this play for anyone to read it is just a great play anymore.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blogging assignment Part 4

This is a picture of a character like mine on World of Warcraft. This is a Draenei Paladin. I think I am sorta like that kind of person because Draenei are the rarest kind of person and I like to think that I unique. The Paladins are a combination of Priests and Warriors. They protect everything and help others. I try to help as many people as I can.

Picture from:

Blogging assignment Part 3

This picture describes me because it combines two of the things that I do the most. I play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on my Xbox 360. If I had the time I would play probably six to ten hours a day. I love to play it. It is the closest thing you can get to war with out actually going to war. The thrill and adrenaline you get from running while your getting shot at is just amazing.

Photo from:

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blogging assignment Part 2

This picture describes me very well because I love playing Euphonium and I love marching band. I have done marching band for four years in a row now and I still want to do it. This is a picture of the Blue Devils and there in DCI. DCI is like professional marching band. I think it would awesome to be a part of the Blue Devils but there very strict and there based out of California. The guy playing that euphonium probably had a solo and is very good. I would like to do that next year after I graduate.

photo from:

Friday, February 19, 2010

Blogging assignment Part 1

This picture describes me because I am like the guy in the corner waiting on the people to rush the other guy. If I was ever in war that is how I would be. I am not a fighter I am more of the person that hides and then jumps into combat behind the enemy. I think that I would not be able to do anything that has to do with war or fighting because I am to nice of a person.

photo from

First Blog

So I created this blog for school. I'm pretty excited about this. Other than this I am excited about Monday going to see Romeo and Juliet. Getting up as 5 is going to suck but I can sleep on the way there. My girlfriend is going so i get to spend all day with her. I have to work tonight, it is going to suck a lot. Working at a fish place during Lent is not a fun thing to do.